#!/bin/bash # # fiwali-review.sh - script to start fiwali-scanner # # Michael Besteck, a.b.c@gmx.net # # This start-command may be used for menu entry # xterm -bg blue -fg yellow -b 0 +aw -geometry 100x20 -T "Firewall review" -e sudo /usr/local/bin/fiwali-review.sh # EXEC_USER=`whoami` if [ ${EXEC_USER} != "root" ] ; then echo "fiwali-review.sh must be run as root. Terminating....." ; sleep 5 ; exit ; fi ### PPP=`/sbin/ifconfig | grep ppp` ### if [ "${PPP}" = "" ] ; then echo "fiwali-review.sh must be run with active ppp (online). Terminating....." ; sleep 5 ; exit ; fi cat /var/log/messages | fiwali